What is this?
Carers Breaks Engagement Team (or CBET) are a team from East Sussex County Council who support people living with dementia and their carers. A dedicated support worker will visit you every 4 weeks if you live alone or every 3 months.
Your Support Worker will give you their contact details so if you have any questions or need support or advice between visits simply pick up the phone and they will get back to you.
How does it help me?
They can help you with:
Attendance Allowance
Obtaining a CRESS Card
Refer you to Care For The Carers
Help to obtain a Blue Badge
Refer to Association of Carers to access free respite (3 hours on a fortnightly basis)
Support you with Advanced Care Planning
Refer you to an Occupational Therapist (if you need equipment to continue to live at home)
Refer you for a Social Care Assessment
Refer you for a Financial Assessment
Carry out an annual Carers Assessment (or sooner if your situation changes and need one earlier)
Refer to BHT Sussex who can help you apply for benefits and housing needs.
Refer to ESCC sensory team (hearing or sight loss)
Explore local options for social engagement.
Referral to Red Cross for short term befriending for up to six weeks.
How much does it cost?
It's a free service.
How do I get a Support Worker?
Once you get a dementia diagnosis you will be asked if you would like to be referred to CBET and assigned a Support Worker who will come and visit you at your home. This service and it will continue until the person you support goes into residential care or passes away.
If you do not have a support worker assigned to you, call East Sussex County Council Health and Social Care Connect on 0345 60 80 191.
Download their leaflet here 👇