Like many of you reading this, I help Mum shower and get changed in the morning.
Every day I have a choice. I can save time and do it myself (and in the process erode her independence) or wait patiently. Unfortunately, I’m not someone blessed with an abundance of patience but today I discovered a #carerlifehack I wanted to share with you.
I realised that whilst I was waiting for Mum to pull up her tights I had a choice to make. I could stand there and get frustrated or spend the time meeting my exercise goals so I jumped on the exercise bike which had been gathering dust and peddled away for 6.5 minutes whilst Mum won a battle with her tights - boom!

If you don’t have an exercise bike try doing some sit ups or a plank… just move your body and use the time to put something back into you. Hopefully you’ll both feel a lot better as a result.